Drug Rehab in Bonham, TX

If you're addicted to drugs or alcohol, you may find that you're unable to quit using even if you want to or try to. Our drug rehab in Bonham helps you stop using by facilitating positive changes in your thought and behavior patterns and helping you develop the skills and strategies you need to maintain sobriety for the long-term.

Why Is Quitting So Hard?

Addiction is characterized by the inability to stop abusing drugs or alcohol despite the negative consequences of using, which may include relationship, health, legal, and financial problems. Addiction is a disease marked by changes in the way your brain functions chemically, and these changes affect the way you think and behave.

When you use drugs, your brain makes strong associations between the drug and the pleasure it produces. Over time, these connections become ironclad as addiction hijacks your brain and associates liking drugs with wanting them. The result is intense cravings that are produced by the same powerful survival mechanisms that lead us to eat food and procreate. Once you develop an addiction, it's extremely hard to recover on your own despite good intentions and willpower, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

How Drug Rehab in Bonham Helps

Addiction almost always has underlying causes, which may include:

  • A history of trauma, such as sexual abuse or violence.
  • Chronic stress.
  • Family dysfunction.
  • Mental illnesses like anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder.

Drug rehab in Bonham helps you quit drugs or alcohol for good through a variety of therapies that help you get to the bottom of the underlying causes behind your addiction. Drug and alcohol rehab addresses your multiple needs and issues to help you:

  • Replace self-destructive thought and behavior patterns with healthier ways of thinking and behaving.
  • Repair damaged relationships.
  • Improve your physical and mental health.
  • Find and maintain the motivation you need to quit for the long-term.
  • Find purpose and meaning in life.
  • Have fun and enjoy life without drugs or alcohol.
  • Develop skills and strategies for coping with stress, cravings, and other potent relapse triggers through our program for relapse prevention in Bonham.

Around 23.5 million Americans are addicted to drugs or alcohol. Unfortunately, only around 11 percent of people who need treatment get the help they need to stop using. Some common reasons why people don't get help include:

  • Fear of cravings.
  • Fear that life won't be worth living without drugs.
  • Fear of what others will think.
  • Fear that treatment won't work.
  • The high cost of treatment.
  • Being in denial that there's a problem.
  • Believing that they can stop on their own if they really want to.
  • Ambivalence toward sobriety.

But treatment works for most people who engage in it, according to an article published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. Numerous studies show that the two most important factors for successful long-term recovery outcomes are participation in formal drug or alcohol treatment and spending an adequate amount of time in rehab. This is why it's essential to seek treatment at our inpatient drug rehab in Bonham for your drug and alcohol addiction.

Therapies Used in Drug Rehab in Bonham

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration stresses that there is no single pathway to recovery that works for every individual, and holistic approach to drug and alcohol rehab offers the best chances for successful recovery.

A holistic approach to rehab requires a variety of treatment therapies that address the complex issues of body, mind, and spirit to help you transform your life from the inside out. Both traditional and complementary therapies are used in high quality drug addiction rehab.

Traditional therapies used in treatment include

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy, which helps you identify dysfunctional thought and behavior patterns and learn new, healthier ways of thinking and behaving. It also helps you sort through your unique issues that underlie the addiction.
  • Motivational interviewing, which helps you identify and build on your own internal motivation for wanting to quit.
  • Family therapy, which helps restore function to the family system, repair damaged relationships, and reduce stress in the home.
  • Psychoeducational classes, which educate individuals about how addiction develops, how it progresses, and how it's successfully treated.

Complementary therapies used in treatment include:

  • Art and music therapy, which reduce stress and help you work through difficult emotions and experiences.
  • Yoga and meditation, which relieve stress, improve self-awareness, and reduce cravings.
  • Acupuncture and massage, which improve immune function, increase your sense of wellbeing, and help to reduce cravings and stress.

Drug Rehab in Bonham Works

Research shows that drug addiction rehab works to help you end an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Treatment reduces your risk of relapse, improves your life across all domains, and gives you the skills you need to stay sober for the long-term.

If you're struggling with an addiction, a high quality inpatient or outpatient drug rehab center can help you restore your life and improve its overall quality. Call us today at (877) 804-1531 to get started on your journey towards recovery.

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